If anything should happen to put your website offline or stop your email from working, even for a short time, it could cause serious financial loss and critical damage to your reputation.
In the digital world EVERY organisation has parts of their business they cannot afford to fail.
What could happen if your website or email server stops working? Can you be sure of retrieving all your important data? Can you get back up and running before the problem becomes too severe to recover from?
Having a quick recovery plan and ongoing policy of making regular backups should be a top priority for every organisation. A robust IT Business Continuity plan can help mitigate the risks of natural or unforeseen man-made disasters, communication failures and cyber-security risks.
Disruptive events of any kind can lead to protracted downtime, permanent data loss, incur sever financial loss and, therefore, destroy customer confidence.
At MC Software Solutions our experts don’t just react to problems when they happen. We plan on making sure critical services function without interruption even when problems arise.
Our job is to ensure your customers don’t even notice if something goes wrong by having a tried and tested backup ready to go live the moment anything goes awry. Our experts will rigorously test plans to ensure shortcomings are quickly detected and fixed.
We will help anticipate threats and identify critical areas or services which must not fail. Consequently you can maintain the goodwill of customers, satisfy any legal obligations and continue to trade without interruption.